Scheduled Outage Notification: UFB/DSL Services from 2020-05-22 22:00 NZST to 2020-05-23 06:00 NZST

Scheduled maintenance Services Overview Broadband Mayoral Drive (MDR) Core Network NZ Domestic IP Transit International IP Transit
2020-05-22 22:00 NZST · 8 hours



Further to Notification 12853 we will be conducting a cut over to our new Switching and Aggregation hardware at our Mayoral Drive Data Centre.

During this time Broadband Subscribers may notice temporary loss in connectivity, twice, for a period of up to 5 minutes during the outage window.

If you have any queries please contact our helpdesk on 0800 508 888 or email

November 5, 2021 · 04:24 NZDT

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