Major Outage - Chorus UFB
Major incident
Services Overview
North Island
Northland UFB (Chorus)
Auckland UFB (Chorus)
Wellington UFB (Chorus)
South Island
Nelson UFB (Chorus)
North Canterbury UFB (Chorus)
South Canterbury UFB (Chorus)
Otago UFB (Chorus)
Southland UFB (Chorus)
2021-11-07 01:25 NZDT
· 40 minutes
November 7, 2021 · 02:22 NZDT
Service has been restored as of 0204.
UFONE NOC will continue to investigate to ensure subscribers have reconnected and there are no lingering issues.
If you have any lingering connectivity issues, please in the first instance reboot your Router or CLNE.
November 7, 2021 · 02:00 NZDT
This has been identified as a Major Fault on the Chorus Network affecting multiple Service Providers.
Our Network Operations Centre (NOC) is currently awaiting an update from the Chorus NOC for any ETR.
November 7, 2021 · 01:44 NZDT
We are investigating alerts regarding an outage on the Chorus Network affecting the majority of our UFB customers.
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