Planned Maintenance - BNG from 2022-03-28 23:30 NZST to 2022-03-29 01:00 NZST

Scheduled maintenance Broadband Nationwide DSL (Chorus) North Island Northland UFB (Chorus) Whangarei UFB (Northpower) Auckland UFB (Chorus) Hamilton/Waikato UFB (Tuatahi First Fibre) Tauranga/Bay of Plenty UFB (Tuatahi First Fibre) Wellington UFB (Chorus) South Island Nelson UFB (Chorus) North Canterbury UFB (Chorus) Christchurch/North Canterbury UFB (Enable) South Canterbury UFB (Chorus) Otago UFB (Chorus) Southland UFB (Chorus)
2022-03-28 23:30 NZST · 1 hour, 30 minutes



We will be offloading customers from MDR-BNG2 to alternate BNG’s to allow for Vendor Upgrades.

Customers will notice a short loss of connectivity until their router’s reconnect, dependent on their router configuration this may take up to 10 minutes.

If customer routers do not automatically reconnect then a reboot should be conducted in the first instance.

March 28, 2022 · 23:07 NZST

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